Make your morning more productive

Amanda Jordan
4 min readDec 24, 2020

Ahhh! Good Morning, good being the keyword here. You want every morning to be a good morning with the sun shining and the birds chirping.

You want to wake up like Stan from American Dad does.

Sadly this does not always happen and there will be days where you will find yourself dragging and tired. You won't want to get out of bed let alone do it singing and dancing. The thought of a morning workout will have you crawling under the covers and repeatedly hitting the snooze button.

Not so fast, before you lay there asking yourself the traditional question, do you really need to get up? Do you really need that job? Do the kids really need to go to school today? Yes to all of the above. You roll out of bed grumpy looking like a Scottish bull and start your day.

However, don't fear there are many things you can do in the morning to help yourself be more productive and have a better day. Having some kind of morning ritual to get you up and going will help you all day long. Try these tips in the morning to help you get your day off to a good start.

Have a good alarm clock

You don't want to start your day off to an annoying blaring horn that jerks you out of a dead sleep every morning. Find an alarm clock that wakes you gently. If you suffer from seasonal depression pick up an inexpensive Sunlight Alarm clock to help you during the fall and winter months when the sun rises late. During the spring and summer, you can use just the sound.

Eat Breakfast

Yes, I know everyone says that this is the most important meal of the day and they are right. You really need to get something inside your body to help it get going. The healthier the better so pass up the donuts and grab something with protein in it. There are a ton of on-the-go recipes for those of you who don’t have time to cook something. A great one is a breakfast egg muffin. You can make these at night and heat them up in the morning. Having something healthy will also make your body feel better and energized and be ready for the day.

Do Not Get on Your Phone

Yes, this is one of the worst things that you can do. For one it is extremely time-consuming and not a productive way to start your day. Just think of all the time that gets wasted on social media and screens. You need a break. Plus it opens you up to all the negativity and whining that people will post about. This is not a positive or healthy way to start your day.

Do something for yourself

This is extremely important to get your day going right. Pick one thing for you and do it. Meditate, take a long shower, read a book or something else that makes you happy. You don’t have to spend a lot of time do this just take 15 to 20 minutes. This is a great way to start the day and relax your body.


Start your day with a workout that will get your blood pumping and energy flowing. You will feel better and be more alert. This will get your day headed in the right direction.

Try these tips tomorrow morning and see how they work for you.

Amanda Jordan
Author/Weight Loss Coach



Amanda Jordan

I am a writer with a BFA in Creative Writing from Full Sail University. I like to write about all sorts of things but my passion is travel and fitness.